Healthy Living And Lifestyle

The Yorkshire region benefits from some of the most accessible national parks and beautiful landscape that the United Kingdom has to offer. For a variety of reasons, these are not always well visited and used by a number of ethnic communities. GP aims to particularly encourage young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to benefit from what these places have to offer, through ‘Adventure Challenges’.


Farmers in Africa are struggling to sell their commodities in the international marketplace, as they face competition from large multinationals that can under-price them through economies of large-scale production.

Enterprise And Education

Global Promise sees young people as the future workforce and leaders of the region and believes that businesses can play a valuable role by working in partnership with teachers and students to develop enterprising attitudes.

Disaster Relief

Global Promise launched in 2005, in response to the disastrous Tsunami in South Asia. We raised over £2m and provided relief by engaging businesses and the community.

Climate Change

Climate change, sustainable energy, recycling and waste and water efficiency are key, high profile issues for the focus of the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).